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Nunzia Alemanno

Nunzia Alemanno was born in December 1967 in Copertino (Italy), a city in the province of Lecce. Housewife and mother of three, she preferred domestic life to take care of her family and three children. After fifteen years living in Rome, she finally returned to Salento, in Copertino, where she still lives. She spent her childhood among fairy tales and stories that she loved hearing from her grandmother, and this has always kept alive her imagination of distant worlds and fantastic creatures. Despite adulthood, the imagination has never faded, and this has led her to challenge herself by putting everything her imagination dictates in black and white. Thus, at the age of forty-four, she gave life to her first fantastical work, The Hegemony of the Dragon, the first book of the trilogy The Dominion over the Worlds, which she dedicated to her husband for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The following volumes will complete the trilogy: The Black Angel and The Mystery of the Manuscript. After a short break, she decided to land in a new genre: the paranormal thriller. So, she published a short prequel, Venator-The Nightmare of Demons, which will lead to the main novel: My Father-The Dark Creature.

The desire to experiment with new genres is not long in coming. She throws Naufraghi di un Bizzarro Destino, an action-adventure romance, and shortly after, Heroes, a genre of fiction for kids.

She has a great passion for fantasy and horror. In her library there are authors like Terry Brooks, George R.R. Martin, and Stephen King, but she appreciates all kinds of reading.

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